Happy Easter!

vrijdag 29 maart 2013

To ten more years!

dinsdag 19 maart 2013

Me & Annemiek on holiday in Lliber.
I received a WhatsApp today from my friend Annemiek: "I think we've been friends for 10 years now". I'm assuming she's right. She usually is about these kind of things, since -unlike me- she's a very organized person. And that's not the only thing about her that's very different from me. She's also much more outgoing then me. I cannot turn my back to her for more than 2 minutes and she's made new friends. She loves animals, children and working in the garden. Things I don't necessarily hate, but love is not the word I'd use. She takes risks and tries new things. I'm cautious and think about "the consequences". But, even though we're very different, it works. So, for ten years now, we listen to each other, give advice or encouragement, and most often: laugh about the stupidity of it all. And that's probably it, isn't it, what makes a good friend? Someone that's always on your side and who wants to share your life stories, big or small. 

The picture above is taken on a holiday about nine years ago. We both lost our luggage on the way to Spain and didn't get it back for three days. Forced to go shopping for clothes, we ended up with lots of new outfits. And, since we didn't want to risk losing these again on the plane ride back, we decided to wear it all home. Check out the salami on my shoulder!

While looking for a nice song about friendship to add to this post, one song reminded me of the time that Annemiek called me in a panic: If I remember it correctly she was working as a personal assistant for a guy that organized concerts at the time, and for some reason had gotten the rushed assignment to go interview Joe Cocker. I say "for some reason" because she had never interviewed someone before in her life. But apparently Joe Cocker was suddenly available for a promotional interview about an upcoming concert and she was the one who was close enough to make it to his hotel in time. So, of course, Annemiek jumps on her bike and goes, then realizes she does not have any questions prepared and, more importantly, she does not know were his hotel is. And that's where I come in: to give her directions, but mainly to laugh at her and share in her ridiculous story.

So, Annemiek, here's to another ten years' worth of life stories!      

Who wants Pi?

donderdag 14 maart 2013

Sometimes it's the simplicity of a design that makes it so good. Certainly true in the case of TimVinke's designs. In his work, the focus lies on functionality and the natural beauty of the materials. The little tables are called "Pi-stools" -for obvious reasons- and can be used as a side table, bed stand or as an extra seat. The wooden hook is called a "Nappie", taken from the Dutch word "zuignap"(sucker). Stick it on a mirror to showcase your favorite necklaces or on your kitchen wall to hang your coffee mugs or tea towels.

We are very pleased that Tim's designs are now available through our web shop Nith.    

Go green!

woensdag 13 maart 2013

Green inspiration found on Pinterest.
Every now and then I go through these phases where I develop a preference for a certain color. I usually don't realize it at first and then all of a sudden my whole closet is filled with -in this case- green stuff. Now that I've diagnosed myself, I think the best thing for me to do is to fill my house with plants. That will cure me quick enough. But until then, these are some of my best "green finds":

1. I've blogged about this skirt before, when I showed the new American Vintage collection. It is now hanging in my closet just waiting for the sun to come out.
2. Cute bracelet found on Etsy.
3. This is great nail polish. And cheap too! 
4. You can find these beautiful feather earrings made by Still Tree at Nith.
5. I just love Vans!
6. I bought this necklace on Etsy. Flashy isn't it? I think it's going to look great paired with a nice white T-shirt and some jeans. It was the last one -Sorry- but this blue one is nice too.
7. Cool glasses by Lacoste.
8. Love these dye dipped jeans.
9. What a great idea: you can stack your best rings on this plate

Preview Spring 2013: MbyM

maandag 11 maart 2013

I've been a big fan of MbyM's basics for years. Their t-shirts and tops are made of the fabric Micromodal, known as one of the softest and lightest fibers available. The shirts come in lots of different colors and -not unimportant- are very reasonably priced. But, at "de Modefabriek" I found out it's not just basics they do well at MbyM. These are some of my favorite designs for spring 2013. And just like the basics, they feel great and are not expensive at all.  

Preview Spring 2013: Custommade

vrijdag 8 maart 2013

Last week I gave you a preview of the colorful American Vintage collection. Another collection that stood out with their use of color was that of Custommade. I would love to own all of these pieces, but unfortunately the price tags are a bit too steep for that. That means I have some difficult choices to make. The jeans in the top left are very cool, but the color of the dress in the bottom left is just so beautiful..

Kees. drinken, eten en drinken

woensdag 6 maart 2013

I love going out to diner. And I like it even more when you get surprised by the food. A good way to get surprised -of course- is in a restaurant where you don't choose from a menu, but just eat whatever the chef has prepared for the day. This concept also has the nice side effect of always serving what's fresh and in season.

At the cute little restaurant "Kees" you can eat a lovely three course meal for just €25,50. Not only is the food great, the ambiance is very nice as well. For starters: the staff is very friendly. The first time I was there I did not know you could only pay cash, When I suggested that I would go to the ATM while my sister waited there they said: "No need, you can just come by to pay another time". Well, that's not something you get every day in Amsterdam, is it? Also, there is lots to see at Kees. As you might have guessed from the photos shown above, they have a taste for kitsch and are not afraid to show it. If you need to use the bathroom you can even do some light reading, since they have a nice collection of "Bouquetreeks or Harlequin novels" in there. Funny! To top it all off, the restaurant is located along the Amstel -the closest thing we have to a boulevard in my part of town- so in the summertime you can sit out on the curb and watch all the people go by.

p.s. They served us pitchers of water with fresh mint and cucumber in it. Very refreshing. I'm terrible at drinking enough water, but this I could drink all day. I've now started experimenting with this concept. This morning I filled a pitcher with water and fresh blue berries and I've already drank half a liter. I'm trying watermelon next.  

Kees. drinken, eten en drinken
Weesperzijde 44
1091 EE Amsterdam
06 30712606

Preview Spring 2013: American Vintage

zondag 3 maart 2013

After visiting 'de Modefabriek', the fashion event where you get to see all the new collections, I have to say I was a bit disappointed. I was expecting lots of colorful clothing that would bring me in the mood for some spring shopping. Unfortunately -as it turns out- black and white is a big trend this coming season. Not exactly what I was looking for in this grey weather. I know that once the temperature goes up, I will start to appreciate this trend a lot more. After all, my closet is full of greys and blacks.

But, since I'm in need of some medicine for my winter blues, I'll start the preview Spring 2013 off with the very cheerful collection of American Vintage. I'm going to start saving for the green outfit right now.   


Comedians in cars getting coffee

vrijdag 1 maart 2013

I was tipped off about this show by a friend and fellow Seinfeld-lover. The title tells you everything you have to know: "Comedians in cars getting coffee". That's the whole show: just Jerry Seinfeld, picking his comedian friends up in weird old timers, and taking them out for a cup of coffee. It doesn't feel like watching them do their 'bits', more like two friends -who happen to be very funny- having a little road trip.

I especially like the episode with Michael Richards, he really is just like his character Kramer.
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